employees working in an office environment

We're committed to helping people.

We believe everyone should have access to the best tools and resources when selecting every day goods and services.

employees working in an office environment

Clearlink Values.

Create Community

You see positive intent in your coworkers. You recognize that everyone has something to teach, and allow space for others to share their skills and knowledge. You validate those around you.

You show genuine interest in those you work with. You discuss business and life outside of work. You are authentic, transparent, and empathetic. You celebrate others’ wins enthusiastically.

We are passionate about our people.

Learn and Grow

You push to be a better version of yourself, every single day.

When you’re frustrated by challenges, you focus on asking better questions to uncover better solutions. You strive to have a growth mindset. You learn from mistakes, you seek feedback rather than validation, and you tackle struggles head-on.

We have each other’s backs, and we welcome challenges as opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed together.

Embrace Opportunity

You live up to your full potential. You let change work for and benefit you, so you can be happier with your work and the process of growth.

You actively seek out the endless possibilities available to you. You embrace change with a calm and relaxed mind. You know where you are going and what you are set out to accomplish.

We stay focused and set our sights high.

Act Like an Owner

You default to action. You proactively share solutions and follow through on commitments. You have high expectations of yourself and your coworkers. You recognize and celebrate your colleagues’ wins. You have the humility to own your failures so you can improve. You’re capable of leading or following as the situation demands.

We all have the ability to make a measurable impact and own our path to success.

Respect Every Person

You demonstrate empathy for your coworkers and users alike. You show you care about our business by keeping commitments because you know your work and relationships impact our bottom line.

We are passionate about being transparent and keeping our coworkers’, users’, and customers’ best interests in mind.

From Our Founder and CEO: "We're Better Together."

Our Founder and CEO sat down with Forbes to share his love for Clearlink and why he believes we are just better together

Clearlinkers at working at their desks
Clearlinkers at working at their desks

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

At Clearlink, everyone is a part; no one is apart. Ours is a community for everyone. We embrace diversity in experience, identity, and perspective to help each of us learn, grow, and expand our capabilities.

Clearlink proudly follows the Parity Pledge to help us move toward gender and racial parity. We interview and consider at least one qualified woman and person of color for every open role, director-level and above. We ensure our job descriptions are free of unconscious bias and gendered language. We want job-seekers to know they belong here.

We’ve also established long-term partnerships with groups that prioritize DEI, including the Utah Black Chamber, Equality Utah, and the Women Tech Council.

We also know the work is not done. Every year, we review our policies and benefits against the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to our LGBTQ+ community.

We’re honored to be named as one of the 100 companies championing women in Utah. This designation is based on “family-friendly policies and practices, as well as women-specific initiatives known to impact the recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing women employees, managers, and leaders.” Visit the Inspire In Utah website.

ERGs at Clearlink.

At Clearlink we are committed to investing into our community in various ways, including through our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).


Promote and maintain a safe and inclusive community for LGBTQIA+ employees at Clearlink.

People of Color – People of Clearlink

Aims to help the Clearlink BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community acknowledge their experiences and create space for healthy identity-based conversations.

Women at Clearlink

The Women of Clearlink ERG is a safe space for women to be seen and supported. Together, Women of Clearlink unpack gender biases, advocate for each other, and embrace unique identities.

Neurodiversity Group

This ERG advocates for and provides resources to the neurodivergent community at Clearlink. Regardless of each person’s differences, employees deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential both professionally and personally.