A group of Clearlinkers in a meeting
A birds eye view of Clearlinkers gathered in a meeting

SocialX by Clearlink

Connecting Brands with Their Community on a Social Level

We engage with your followers and create unforgettable user journeys that promote brand awareness, advocacy, retention, and revenue.

How We Socialize

No brand wants to miss out on the latest trends, topics, and tweets. Even the fear of missing out can freeze a brand’s social progress. That’s why SocialX by Clearlink is an extension to your engagement team, helping you reach your business goals using our three social-savvy pillars—intelligence, strategy, and engagement. FOMO no mo’.

Social Intelligence

From hashtags to what’s trending, we listen to your online customers to deliver actionable insights and consumer-first strategy through both real-time and historical research.

Social Strategy

We partner with you to develop a strategy tailored to your organizational goals and objectives. We monitor vertical, competitor, and social media trends and create a social content calendar to encourage community conversation and give you more than 15 minutes of fame.

Social Engagement

We’ve leveraged our social intelligence to develop a social strategy—now it’s time to create engaging social content that is timely and relevant to the conversation while increasing customer satisfaction, driving brand retention and catapulting brand loyalty.

 The State of Social

With nearly 5 billion people on social media today, it’s no surprise that brands must own their social presence and community. The average person uses social media for almost 2.5 hours a day, making social media the prime space for news, advertisements, and marketing. Social media is changing how brands connect with their consumers, and SocialX has the recipe to convert online engagement into real-life profits.

Three people gathered in a circle looking at tablets

Let’s Get Social

SocialX evolves a brand’s social media presence to create genuine connections with its consumers. While other social agencies are ready to retweet, we’re prepared to go viral with our pillars to social success—intelligence, strategy, and engagement. Join us in making your brand the next trending topic.
